Volcano Story

What is the biggest volcanic eruption in history? The biggest volcanic eruption in recorded history is believed to be the eruption of Mount Tambora on Sumbawa Island, Indonesia, in 1815. The eruption was so massive that it caused widespread crop failure and famine due to a year-long “volcanic winter” caused by ash and debris ejected … Read more

Silver Story

Is silver rare on earth? Silver is considered a precious metal, but it is more abundant on Earth compared to some other rare elements. While silver is not as abundant as common elements like oxygen or silicon, it is relatively more abundant than metals like gold or platinum. Silver is found in various geological formations, … Read more

Gold Story

How rare is gold? Gold is considered a rare element on Earth, but its abundance can be measured in parts per billion (ppb) in the Earth’s crust. In terms of relative abundance, gold is actually quite rare compared to other elements. It is estimated that the Earth’s crust contains about 0.004 parts per million (ppm) … Read more